Europe is the world’s largest economic area and at its heart is the mid-market, the engine room where thousands of companies are driving growth and prosperity.
Mid-market companies are a European success story. They drive innovation and patent production, have skilled workforces, attract global management talent and are strong enough to internationalise and export abroad.
The German Mittelstand is an example of how this global outlook, foundation in the real economy and flexibility to adapt can result in macroeconomic strength.
This also makes the mid-market an attractive investment proposition, especially because Europe, with its stable legal, political and regulatory environment, has many advantages compared to emerging markets.
Today, the EVCA has launched Delivering the goods, a new report into European mid-market private equity, a sector that has consistently delivered results for institutional investors over many years and through many economic cycles. The report looks at the fundamental qualities that support European mid-market private equity’s strength as an investment. This strength endures through difficult economic times.
Europe has a group of highly experienced private equity managers, who’ve invested in many companies across many different market cycles. They know how to spot the opportunities in firms across the patchwork of member states.
They have the skills to use their strategic and operational expertise to take established businesses and make them stronger and more valuable.
Ultimately this means they can deliver good returns to their investors such as pension and insurance funds.
We hope you find the report useful. Please also check out our video.