Explore our new interactive map to see private equity at work in Europe! Find out how companies of all sizes have worked with private equity to become better businesses, right across the continent.
To navigate through the map, just pick a country and zoom in on examples of businesses that have received private equity investment.
You will get a good idea of the diversity of Europe’s 21,000* private equity-backed businesses: from the smallest start-ups to the largest multinational companies, private equity’s impact is seen across sectors, from business and industrial products to consumer goods and retail or communications.
In all of these case studies, you will see how private equity created the lasting transformations that improved and grew these companies.
In Norway, see how private equity investment supported the development of a revolutionary cancer treatment. In Finland, watch how PE investment has helped local clothing company Reima reach an international audience. Read about Pets at Home in the UK, Post Danmark, the famous Moleskine in Italy and Converteam in France and much, much more.
Enjoy your travels through Europe!
*Source: EVCA/PEREP_Analytics (2011). For more facts of private equity, visit http://evca.eu/facts/.